On the Road in Oslo by Maggie Scratch


It was after showing dozens and dozens of baby pictures to Sadie as we ooooed and ahhhhhed our way through my brand new granddaughter’s amazing features, that she spotted this pic and insisted I post it. So, okay. I love good graffiti, I love Bansky, I’m obsessed with documenting the moment. Sadie and I were walking to Wayne’s Coffee and when I saw that graffiti asked her to stop a minute under the hot sunny Norwegian sky. Capture the moment, I thought. I really am here! I’m in Oslo! I’m walking down the road with my daughter and my granddaughter as if it were the most natural thing to do. Everything comes back to me! The heat, my daughter’s shining face, beautiful little Milla tucked into the Angel Pack, the warm love, the motherhood, the daughterhood, grandmotherhood, babyhood, childhood, writerhood, backpackinghood…it’s all there, in this picture. Oslo. I flew there, I lived there, I loved there, I worked there, I slept there, I ate there, I walked there,  I walked in the Norwegian woods with my family, there I was, I was there!

Sylvia Scratch

my mother.jpg

“I started crying when Maggie talked about being glad she didn’t have a phone because her mother Sylvia would be calling all the time and then she said how she longed to talk to Sylvia.  The tears kept on streaming all through the Sunday brunch in Elkins Park.”

Morgan Jo Rockman, Amazon